Blade Runner 2049 | Deckard's Scanner

Recreated from scratch in After Effects. Original by Territory Studio

Blade Runner 2049 | Deckard's Scanner

Blade Runner 2049, Deckard's Scanner.

As a massive Blade Runner 2049 fan, I wanted to create something from that world.
Images are 4k - click to enlarge for more detail.

I also wanted to push my texturing and hard surface skills, using this piece to learn Blender and refamiliarise myself with Substance Painter. Recreating a prop with very little reference was a challenge - the rear and far-side of the scanner isn't seen in the film, so I had to imagine how they would look based on the unit's function and various reference. I also taught myself After Effects to create the screen animation from scratch; I had originally planned to create a larger scene which would have utilised the animating screen, however this project was started, paused, restarted, shelved for years, and in the interest of getting something finished, I de-scoped. Modelled in Blender/Zbrush, Baked in Marmoset Toolbag, Textured in Substance Painter, rendered in Toolbag 4 and post in Lightroom/Photoshop. The unicorn is real-world origami which I made, scanned and textured.

Made by a human, with love.

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